Built with Modern Technology

A look at the powerful technologies that power Wikily

Backend Stack


Built on Laravel's robust foundation, providing enterprise-grade reliability and security.

Filament Admin Panel

Leveraging Filament for a powerful, intuitive admin interface that makes content management a breeze.

MySQL Database

Reliable data storage with optimized queries for fast documentation retrieval.

Frontend Stack

Tailwind CSS

Utilizing Tailwind's utility-first approach for beautiful, responsive designs with custom components.


Lightweight JavaScript framework for smooth interactions and dynamic functionality.

Custom Markdown Extensions

Enhanced markdown processing with custom blocks for warnings, info, and callouts.

Key Technical Features

Custom Markdown Blocks

Enhanced documentation with custom warning, info, danger, and success message blocks.

Real-time Preview

Live markdown preview while editing, with support for all custom extensions and instant feedback.

Optimized Performance

Fast page loads with efficient caching and optimized database queries for speed.